This Release

Role of DSP Series 2 Card

For a CSP to provide enhanced speech capabilities, a DSP Series 2 card is a requirement.The DSP Series 2 card is a high-performance media processing resource. For more information about this card see the CSP Developer's Guide: Overview.


Phase 1

This release of the CSP VoiceXML feature is being delivered in multiple phases. The first phase supports DTMF only (no speech) and involves indirect communication between the text-to-speech (TTS) server and the DSP Series 2 facilitated by the VocalOS and NFS. See the next diagram.

Phase 2

In the future, Excel will introduce an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) capabilities. Also, to provide for faster and more efficient communication, Excel will introduce a direct connection between the DSP Series 2 card and the TTS and ASR servers using the Real-time Transport Protocol.